Corporate Secretarial services

Meeting regulatory and entity governance obligations is an increasingly important and time-consuming task for companies. Ensuring compliance is a priority for all companies, Our corporate secretarial team will help manage your secretarial compliances allowing client’s resources to focus on their core duties.

Our corporate legal services team provides:

  • shareholders’ agreements;
  • business transfer agreements;
  • intra-group loan agreements;
  • implementation of tax planning re-organisations;
  • corporate vehicle formation;
  • share transfer documentation; and
  • other contract drafting services
  • Preparation of board meeting & shareholder resolutions
  • Preparation of minutes and other reports
  • Appoint/ removal of Directors & shareholders etc
  • Maintenance of statutory records


Bring Innovation to Your Company

Let’s start the journey towards success and enhance revenue for your business.  Take your company to the next level.

Professional Skill Development

We deliver the best solution and provide a business strategy that makes you a full professional.

Mental & Performance Training

Being self-confident makes you perfect for gaining success. Assuring the enhancement of inner-power.

Expertise in Virtual Consultant

Get opportunity to gain technological skills that improve the innovation funnel with new tips & tricks.